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Intro to Nonviolent Communication with attention to Mental Health Situations Training

  • Training via Microsoft Teams (map)

Training Description:

DC Peace Team will host a training series for DCPCA's member health centers focusing on nonviolent communication, de-escalation, personal safety, and bystander intervention, with context on D.C. landscape and mental health awareness. This training series aims to address our member health centers emergency preparedness needs and goals as it relates to the safety of patients and staff.

Intro to Nonviolent Communication with attention to Mental Health Situations Training

Non Violent Communication (NVC) is a form of compassionate communication that can help de-escalate and transform interpersonal, inter-group, workplace, and organizational conflicts. It is used worldwide by individuals, activists, educators, conflict specialists, diplomats, social workers, managers, and others. Practicing NVC can enable us to understand ourselves, our feelings, and our needs more deeply—and open our hearts to better connect and collaborate with others. It creates a path for healing and reconciliation in many settings, including but not limited to intimate relationships, work settings, and academic settings. The content includes skills in self-empathy, other-empathy, as well as making observations, identifying feelings, needs, and making constructive requests/proposals through role-plays.


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Intro to Nonviolent Communication with attention to Mental Health Situations Training